Testimonials and reviews
Nice things customers have written about my wiring harnesses.

Everything is running fantastic with the bike. The last hurl was getting the charging system to actually charge. Installing the wire with the resistor from the rectifier to the fuse panel correctly was the trick to make the alternator work.
Thank you for all your help and producing a great harness for my Frankenstein electrical system bike. Without your guidance and information, that you have on your website, I wouldn't have been able to get this project accomplished.
Having the bike properly wired with high-quality wiring and parts makes me feel like the bike is 100% more reliable.
Photo courtesy of Keith Buxton.

Just want to let you know everything works perfectly, thanks to your loom for my v85tt with direct to battery.
Thank-you so much and may more people discover your great work!
Photo courtesy of Paul Norton.

Thought you might like to see a pic of the finished bike, so I've attached a recent shot. It's running great, with much of that due to you and your website.
Photo courtesy of Nick Rossi.

Photo courtesy of Bert Oster.

Photo courtesy of Fred Meyer.

Photo courtesy of Did Van Der Taelen.

paddletype switches to modern universal switches.
Photo courtesy of Rick Quin.

Photo courtesy of Eric Smithers.
A customer from Utah:
I finished my wiring yesterday and everything works as it should. I couldn't be happier. It's a great product. Thanks for all the help and coaching during the install process.
A customer from Massachusetts:
Thank you Greg. Your wiring harness has been faultless for at least 20k and counting.

Photo courtesy of Dave Swanson.

Photo courtesy of Dave Swanson.
A customer from Belgium:
Wiring considered as completed, tested and everything is working perfectly !
High quality harness, easy to install specially by taking some time to browse your website.
I was surprised that the task was so easy.
Special mention for the packaging:
Having all items packed individually with label is a genius idea making the installation super easy.
Thank you, you made another happy customer :)
A customer from Australia:
Just got home from a few days away. Received your package and what a quality piece of kit! Thank you very much.
Now I've just got to find the time to install, along with pulling the forks apart and all the other jobs! I'll let you know how I get on. Thanks again Greg.
A customer from Scotland:
The harness fits superbly and is a high quality product.
The technical support on your website is excellent and the email support you have given me (mainly due to non-standard features on my bike) was tremendous.
I am glad to have stripped out the 40 year mess of wiring and replace it with such a quality product.
Extremely happy customer!
A customer from Florida:
Thanks for your quick response and shipping! We could use a lot more people like you, in the business of bike parts etc. If I need anything else I will certainly let you know.
Received harness today and it looks perfect! (considering mine had every kind of owner applied butt connector, etc.) It will clear up quite a spiders nest.
A customer from Maryland:
It's been a few months, but I have finally been able to install the wiring harness I bought from you. If you recall, I have what was a complete 1972 Ambassador basket case. I must say, your wiring harness has been one of the best investments I've made on rebuilding this bike. It is accurately made, and your online instructions are just as thorough as the harness. Thank you!!
This is my first Guzzi and your thisoldtractor.com website has been an invaluable source for me. I could not have done this without the guideance, as well as a copy of Guzziology. I'm looking forward to getting this one the road.
A customer from Iowa:
I just received the harness. I hate to say it, but I am almost embarrassed to install it! It makes the factory wiring look pretty cheesy!! You do amazing work! Thank you so much.
A customer from Illinois:
Comments on wiring and left handle bar switch. Quality components and craftsmanship. With the relay kits the lights and starter are solid. Was previously slow starter speed and blowing fuses on the lights. I am very satisfied with the products I purchased from you and your advice is spot on. Thank you very much!
A customer from Massachusetts:
The harness is gorgeous!! Excellent work my friend. Now I just need to get my frame back from powder coaters!

Photo courtesy of Bert Oster.
A customer from the United Kingdom:
I thought I'd send you some feedback. I have used the guzzi switch to domino conversion plug and it works really well.
The relay system is simply superb! Far better than I thought it would be. The lights are twice as bright and the horn seriously blasts! Fantastic!
A customer from Belgium-->:
I can't stress enough how happy I am with the loom. In the end it was easy to install (got it right the first time!) and is was actually a lot of fun to be honest. It's nice to know I can almost always rule out the wiring to be the culprit whenever I find a problem with the bike.
A customer from Italy:
Hi Gregory. Today I've got the parcel.
Everything is great but I'm not surprised anymore as I've got used by quality in your works.
Hope to write you soon, thank you again.
Have a great day.

This was made possible in part by all the support you gave me and the wonderful harnesses which greatly simplified the rebuild.
I couldn't be happier (and my be in touch for an alternator conversion harness).
Thank you again
Photo courtesy of Thomas Gould.
A customer from Kentucky:
Just got in from a ride on the Eldo. It is spooky how well it runs. Never a miss even in the cold. I just wish I had wiring harnesses like yours in all my bikes!

Photo courtesy of Gilles Guthmann.
A customer from Virginia:
I recently purchased a main wiring harness, a couple of sub harnesses and a starter relay harness from you for my 1969 Moto Guzzi V700.
I just installed the main harness -- sweet! Everything, with a couple of small exceptions, went together without a hitch. I still need to install the wiring from the left handlebar to the headlight bucket and the starter relay, hopefully those will also go smoothly.
What I thought was great was that:
- All the wires were the same color as the original, making it easy for the install and for the future when doing any wiring work
- The instructions on your website are awesomely good, some of the best install instructions I've seen (not just for wiring, but for anything)
So, great job!

Photo courtesy of Jason.

Photo courtesy of Chris Wallace.
A customer from Virginia:
Wanted to give a big thank you for the harness. It went in WITHOUT issue! Perfect product, and I'm so glad you provide this service. Put it all together and everything works, first time go.

Photo courtesy of Tony Bivona.
A customer from New Zealand:
The package arrived just now and I am absolutely delighted at the quality of your workmanship. I don't know how to thank you enough.
A customer from Washington:
The wiring harness came today and I have to tell you a it's the best wiring harness I've ever seen. I've built and wired a ton of bikes, this is the best I've come across. Thanks much!

Photo courtesy of Paul Harrison.
A customer from Ohio:
In a world where I am finding purchased items to get cheaper, shorter, smaller, less content, substandard materials, boxes 75% filled, etc., etc., you have done the incredible: produced a product of the highest quality that may be even better than the original. Thank you.

Photo courtesy of Dave Swanson.
A customer from Illinois:
Greg, the boxes arrived today. I expected top notch work but I am very impressed! I can't wait to finish the bike now! Thanks again.

The 1967 V-700 wiring harness was the second one from Greg. The first was on my 1972 Eldo PD. Both used the relay solution which is the best for long term operation. Both installs were straight forward with excellent logical instructions, workmanship and quality components.
Photo courtesy of Joe Tokarz.

Photo courtesy of Peter Marechal.
A customer from New York:
I just wanted to let you know I couldn't be more pleased with the results of rewiring my Eldorado. As you know you provided me with everything to completely make the electrics totally new. I would recommend anyone replacing wiring they replace every circuit, so you don't have to connect new to old. My bike had many modifications that you incorporated perfectly. Your relay solution made what I did previously look like a cave man did it and the horn relay solution to my dual horns was perfect. As I progressed through the installation it actually became kind of fun and wiring is not my strong suit. I will be ordering for my other bikes as time permits. Thanks for providing such a well thought out and quality product.

Photo courtesy of David Hayduk.
Norbert Kunz from Switzerland
My Moto Guzzi works perfectly again. I'm so happy! Suddenly the engine stopped and I did not know what was going on. I suspected a defective cable or something on the electrical system. But what exactly? I'm not a mechanic. I decided to replace all electrical components and all cables. Luckily I found your website and ordered all cables I needed an all I did not know :-). Thanks to the wiring diagrams and the instructions on your website I could replace the new wiring on my own. Well, I went several times frustrated out of the garage, but never give up! Even this case is described on your website. I finally succeeded. I am very proud. Thanks for your great work. The cables were all perfectly prepared and labeled. Somebody have a similar project I will recommend you, for sure.
Norbert Kunz initial system check
Norbert Kunz first start up
Norbert Kunz first ride

Photo courtesy of Joe Tokarz.
A customer from California:
I received the package today. I'm very impressed with your work. I feel fortunate that there are enough of us that still appreciate the older Guzzis for the beautiful vintage machines that they are. When I opened your shipment I left everything sealed to protect the wiring from my drooling, HAH! I'm also impressed with your orderly attention to detail in packaging, labeling and online instructions. You've made everything wonderfully clear. It inspires confidence. I can't wait to get started with the work.

Photo courtesy of Mick Webb.
A customer from Canada:
Just want to say thanks once again for a fantastic wire harness kit for my 1977 Moto Guzzi Le Mans restoration.
I think this is the fifth harness kit you have provided for me for my Moto Guzzi restorations and once again it's perfect.
I attached a picture of the last three wire harness kits you supplied.

Photo courtesy of a customer from Canada.
A customer from Texas:
Most excellent!
EVERYTHING WORKS! .......the first time.
Very good instructions and wiring components quality. I've rewired other vintage bikes but none are as complex as the Eldo police. Definitely made an otherwise daunting task easy. The relay solution is stone reliable, safe and ingenious.
Thanks for your tutelage along the way.

Photo courtesy of Jason Delacroix.
A customer from Canada:
Thank you again for the fine products, stellar services and abundant information you offer. You make owning, maintaining & restoring these bikes truly a lot easier and enjoyable. It's honestly heartwarming that someone has taken the time and effort to understand these old Italian machines, with all their inherent idiosyncrasies, and devoted himself to help keep other's rides going too. There are not a few geese out there that continue to function thanks to your efforts. I personally know of 3 others up here in the Greater Vancouver area who have benefited from your services. This is my third harness from you and I'm certain you'll be hearing from me again....always hunting for that next project.

Photo courtesy of Nate Uecker.
A customer from New York:
Wow! That was fast. I will mail your check today. It has been a pleasure doing business with you. I also want to say thanks (as I am sure many others have in the past) for your wonderful website. It has been such a valuable resource as I continue my project of refurbishing what was a neglected old Guzzi. We, the motorcycle obsessed, are very lucky that there are guys such as yourself who have put so much personal time and effort into accumulating what is an incredibly huge amount of valuable information and making it available to all. I didn't want to end our transaction without taking a moment to tell you how much I appreciate it. Thanks man!

Photo courtesy of Sam Manzella.
A customer from New Jersey:
Just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the wiring harness. I took care of the main harness and the complete dash and the quality is second to none. Electric is my least favorite thing to mess with in bikes, (not that it's terribly difficult, I think moreso because it's an application I understand least about) but the clarity and quality of your work gave me no anxiety whatsoever. I could've salvaged my original wiring and made my own stuff for the missing pieces, but I'm glad I didn't. I'm sure whoever ends up buying this bike when it's done will appreciate it too. Thanks again.

Photo courtesy of Cliff Drevermann.
A customer from Arizona:
Thanks again for the wiring harness. The workmanship is excellent. I've shown it to my neighbor and he said its too beautiful to install, it should be put in a glass box and displayed!

Photo courtesy of Dan Kellaway.
A customer from the United Kingdom:
Just wanted to say thanks again for the latest wiring harness, really easy to install and top quality as ever.
Keep up the great work!

Photo courtesy of Dylan Long.
A customer from New Zealand:
I spent a pleasant couple of days in New Zealand replacing all the old wiring on my V7 Special and installing your relay kit as well. It looks good and works well.

Photo courtesy of Björn Inge.
A customer from California:
The wiring was really a pretty simple process. With your instructions and photos, it was straight forward.
I don't know how I could have got this done without you. My original harness was cut, hacked and just a mess. I bought another harness from Ebay which ended up being no better.
A customer from Dubai, United Arab Emirates:
Just received my wiring harness. You can say I'm one very satisfied customer, I'm very impressed with the quality of workmanship and attention to detail.
This will make my restoration project so much easier.
Thanks again.
A customer from Australia:
Thank you Gregory. The harness is spectacular, far better than I expected.
A customer from Tennessee:
I just wanted you to know I was able to install my harness this past weekend.
I followed your well-written guide and the bike started immediately, charging great, great lights, absolutely no problems at all and looking like a factory install. You should be very proud of the service and the products you are providing to the motorcycle community. Keep up the great work, looking forward to doing more business in the future.
A customer from Georgia:
Your wiring harnesses are of an addictive quality.
A customer from Canada:
I ordered a wiring harness for my Eldorado and I finally got around to installing it. Absolutely fantastic! Easy to install when following your instructions. Excellent product!
A customer from Montana:
When I started this rebuild it was obvious that neglect and some misguided soul had seriously damaged the wiring. I wasn't looking forward to sorting out the various problems and rewiring. When I found your website and perused your products a big smile popped up on my face, yes! possible salvation! Now that I'm working through the Guzzi wiring diagram and simply plugging things in I couldn't be more pleased with your wiring harnesses, they are great and have made this project even more fun. Thanks.
A customer from Sweden:
The harnesses arrived yesterday, fantastic! I must say that they look brilliant, most impressed with your work. My electrician liked them too.
It will be a pleasure to put them on my Guzzi. If my memory still works I'll send you a picture when it's done.
Many thanks and a Happy Easter
An installer from New Zealand:
Thank you Gregory
A pleasure to deal with you!!
You make a great product.
An installer from Wisconsin:
Had a chance to install the harness a few weeks ago. Just wanted to pass along my appreciation of your organization/instructions. Everything worked flawless the first time around.
A customer from New Zealand:
Came home yesterday from holiday to find your harness here. Fitted it very easy just wanted to thankyou for your help and for making such a great product thanks
A customer from California:
I just want to thank you for the exceptional service and product you shipped. I was amazed at the quality of the work and the speed in which it was done. Thank you!
A customer from Canada
Good Morning Gregory,
I have received my order in fine fettle. Thank you again for the cheery correspondence and prompt service/delivery. Definitely a standout in this day and age, top shelf! This, and the last harness I received from you, should do me for some time but you never know. There may be an old loop out there yet with my name on it. Always looking...
I see you have added some helpful wiring instructions recently. Though I had little trouble mounting my last harness I'll have a read through, I can't ever have too much help/advice. Thoughtful touch, thanks.
Cheers, and have a great riding season
A customer from Oklahoma:
Greg another perfect harness, my third. Thanks so much for your help on this project. Everything works as it should. I am sure we will work together again in the future.
A customer from Pennsylvania:
Just got the harness in the mail this morning. What a beaut! Thanks so much. Will be starting the dismantling process tonight! I'll let you know how the install goes.
A customer from Italy:
I've received the package and I got all the items. I have no words. I like the quality I feel by the only touch of all the harnesses. Very good job.
A professional customer from Colorado:
Thanks for the lightening fast build on the harness. Just awesome.
A few days later...
Thanks for the very excellent work on the wiring harness. Just beautiful work. We are underway on the install now.
A customer from Sweden
You are THE man!
This is not the fiist time I've switched a main harness on a bike.
This time it was different - just plug'n play.
When I was done and turned the key - it all worked as intended!
Thank's for making a high quality harness. You saved my bike and myself a lot of trouble.
A customer from Massachusetts:
Received everything for the spotlight relay kit the other day, it looks great. I can't thank you enough. I will be back in touch with any questions.
A customer from United Kingdom:
Just to let you know the loom arrived today, fits perfectly and cures the issue I was having with a dodgy charging light.
Can I say what great service and if I wasn't so far away I would happily let you use my bike as a pattern to build a complete loom!!!!!
I may well use you again and will recommend you to all my friends.
A customer from Australia:
All arrived safe and sound. Everything looks great and is high quality work indeed. Thank you very much.
Now, the
funpart begins...
A customer from Maryland:
Never been as excited over a pile of wires. You do nice work.
A customer from Australia:
I started the bike today...IT STARTED...IT RAN...NO ELECTTRICAL SMOKE......loose banjos on the carbs and a few drips...and the tacho behaved as it should.........VERY VERY VERY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A customer from Florida:
I finally got a chance to look over the harness and I am extremely pleased! I can't wait to install it. The quality and attention to detail (individual labels and packaging) are exemplary! I really appreciate that, for I clean, wrap and label all hardware and small parts when I do a tear down for restoration. Nice and neat and I don't have to remember where anything goes, not that I could anyhow! Tons of photos and notes along the way, too. I can tell we think the same; if something is worth doing, it's worth doing right!

Photo courtesy of Paul Davis.
A customer from Canada:
I received the side stand wiring harness et al and could not be happier. Thanks for an excellent product. You do nice work!
A customer from Pennsylvania:
Got the harness an other bits today. As always your work is top shelf.
Thank you for producing such great products.
A customer from Norway:
Just recived your wiring loom kit! It looks super!!!! Thank you so much for helping me out with this!
A customer from Thailand:
I received the wiring harness etc and just wanted to let you know that I'm really impressed with the quality, attention to detail and organisation of parts. Your work is so much better than the previous products I purchased...
Thanks very much for taking the time to do this, I really appreciate it. It will make installing it so much easier.
I'm going to spend the xmas new year period doing the wiring. I'll follow your instructions from the site.
Thanks again and have a great xmas and new year.
A customer from New Zealand:
All arrived today safe and sound - no trouble with customs etc.
A customer from England:
I wanted to thank you also for the great quality of your work and patience. The looms are being installed today and the mechanic voluntarily said
Best loom he's ever seenso thank you.Looking forward to firing up the Le Mans soon.
A customer from Germany:
Outstanding work - looks really good. Nothing like I could create on my own. Also the wiring harness sold over here for the V7 Special is not comparable to yours - it is much more simple, the connectors are the cheapest you can get and not the strain relief ones. Once again, thanks for the fast transaction ; - )

Photo courtesy of David Boocock.
A customer from Oregon:
Pat mentioned my harness in this great Cotter Pin blog post. (download a giant image of the entire blog post)
A customer from Australia:
I received the wiring looms yesterday afternoon and they look fantastic!!! I'm looking forward to fitting mine to my bike, I going to wait till I have a free weekend to do it so I have no distractions.
Thanks again for your help.
More from this customer after installation:
Just like to say a big thank you! The wiring loom is now fitted and all works perfectly. I was a bit overwhelmed when I saw all the cables that had to be fitted but you are right when you say, you only make one connection at a time. Will definitely recommend your wiring looms to everyone.
A customer from Ohio:
I got the package today. All I can say is WOW! I am impressed with your attention to detail and quality work. I can't wait to get started.
A customer from Texas posted this on the Adventure Rider forum:
The wiring harnesses I installed were from Greg Bender.
They are very high quality and easy to install using his instructions and he will make any mods you can think up.
The only thing better than his harnesses is his customer service!!!!!
His website is a Wealth of Moto Guzzi information...

Gary Kloss won the VJMC Judges Choice AMCA Award for his 1970 Moto Guzzi Ambassador. An excerpt from the article published in the The Antique Motorcycle
, Volume 54, Number 2:
Highlighting what he refers to as the bike's
agrarianutility is the name of the Moto Guzzi restoration outfit where he bought his wiring harness-thisoldtractor.com!
Photo courtesy of The Antique Motorcycle.
A customer from France:
Hello, I'm so happy, I received the harness, its very good work !!!
A customer from Okalahoma
Greg just wanted to says thanks for the great harness and the technical help. Except for a couple of self inflicted hiccups the installation went great. I have always shied away from electrical work on bikes but your instructions were easy to understand and the quality was excellent. I live on your website when I am working on my bikes and you probably don't know how many people you have helped. Again thanks and if anyone ever thinks they can't rewire a Guzzi have them give me a call. Believe me if I can do it anyone can.
A customer from Kansas:
I opened the mailing box today and took a look at the wiring harnesses. I am very pleased, your work is beautiful. There'll be happy electrons running those paths.
A series of nice posts regarding my wiring harnesses from the old Yahoo! Loopframe_Guzzi news group (which has now moved to Groups.io).
Mark Etheridge of Moto Guzzi Classics posted:
Absolutely FANTASTIC. Just got done installing his, He went to great trouble to do it right and complete. I thought I got special treatment cause of all the switches, button, and grommets. Best money spent and saved me countless hours, could not be better unless he included installation. Said I got no special treatment. Mark, Moto Guzzi Classics
Charlie Mullendore of Antietam Classic Cycle posted:
Agreed. I've installed at least six of his harnesses now and every one was fantastic.
Lance Plassio posted:
I would not hesitate to buy another Harness from Greg. He is a great guy to deal with as well.
Michael J. Mehall posted:
Another loud declaration of endorsement. Greg's product and help have been wonderful!!!
Michael M.
Shaun Laughy posted:
Another solid endorsement of Gregory's work. Fantastic quality, great support, great guy. We're fortunate to have him as part of our community!
Joel Park posted:
Word up on that.
Kim Schick posted:
The only way to go, IMHO...
A customer from North Carolina:
I hope all is well with you. Quick note to let you know tht I have installed the main and all sub harnesses except for one. Absolutely fantastic instructions and workmanship on the harnesses.
A customer from Canada:
The wire harness kit arrived the other day, fantastic workmanship and attention to detail, exceeds all my expectations. Thanks!
A customer from California who installed my relay kit:
Finished the harness routing yesterday. Easier than pie. Works perfectly!! Took the bike to a mechanic today for fluids change (found tiny flecks of chrome in the sump). Didn't tell him about the wiring. When he started it up for a test ride, he remarked
Are there relays in this thing? I've never seen a headlight on a Guzzi so bright!. Another testament to your skill (and, incidentally, his)...
Rob James from Arizona:
Greg Bender's Cal II main wire harness is what Guzzi would have put in originally had they his skill and technology!
A customer from Maryland:
Just wanted to thank you for all your help and input. I got the wiring finished last Friday, tested on Saturday morning, and was riding the rest of the weekend. Pretty rewarding to work on a project...and then get to enjoy the fruit of your labor.
A customer from California:
I must say after pulling the harness out for the first tine and looking at it all, You are a master! That thing is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Kim Schick from Wisconsin:
Just received the package and it looks great!
Can't wait to start installing this Saturday (with patience)... ;>
About a week later Kim writes:
Plug-N-Play Wiring Harnessand Relay Kit fit like a glove and works like a charm.Excellent quality workmanship too!
Wish I had one of your kits when we did the Eldorado Police rebuild
A customer from Canada:
Got home yesterday and checked out your harnesses. They look fantastic. I hope to take a crack at the relay harness today or tomorrow.
Later, the same customer writes:
All of your wiring went on my Eldorado with no issues. Excellent workmanship!
A customer from California:
Thanks Greg. I'll let you know if any issues come up installing. I doubt there will be any though.
A customer from Minnesota:
Your wiring harness is the nicest I have seen
A customer from Canada:
Everything is now routed acceptably (if not perfectly), and I am happy to report that EVERYTHING seems to work flawlessly! I haven't had the opportunity to test ignition and charging yet, but have every confidence that they will work fine, as well.
All of this is due to the fantastic work that you did on my harness. Absolutely top quality in both materials and workmanship - you are truly a craftsman!
A customer from Minnesota:
I cannot compliment you enough on your products, and the information you provide. Excellent work
A customer from California:
I received the complete harness yesterday & was impressed with all that was included with the kit. I was thrilled. I have not compared to what all I have but I am pleased with the quality of the materials. I thought I was just receiving the main harness but it seems your kit includes it all on first inspection. You even included a Start button.. Looking forward to the installation of the harness onto my bike.
A customer from California:
...your online instructions made all the difference last night. I got most of the main routed and connected in just a couple of hours. You could probably do the whole bike in a couple hours, but you know how it goes, I had the regulator upside down and some tabs and posts had been painted over. So a lot of little stuff
slowsyou down. But compared to the progress I have made on the bike in the last 7 years, things are now going at light speed!
A customer from California:
Pretty much done with wiring after last night. Your harnesses plus the online instructions is exactly what I needed to get it done. I seriously considered selling it as an unfinished project prior to discovering your offering. THANKS AGAIN!!!
A customer from the United Kingdom:
The wiring loom just arrived! No problems with import duties.
Very pleased with the quality, and the timing of its arrival is perfect, the rest of the bike is coming together and this week I'll be ready to connect things up.
Many thanks.
A customer from Virginia:
After burning up three generators, I decided to buy a set of wiring harnesses from Greg Bender to replace every wire that had anything to do with the charging system. Greg makes excellent harnesses [snip]. And of course the thisoldtractor site tells you everything you need to know about installation - priceless.
A customer from North Carolina:
Greg, have rewired bike, took it for ride. Works perfect. I have to tell you, your wiring is some of the best I have seen. It was actually fun to use.
A customer from California:
Hi Greg, just got back from a ride on my Guzzi, & it runs great. Your wiring harness was the best, & the installation was no problem. Thanks
A customer from Massachusetts:
Wonderful! Very nice indeed.
A customer from Wisconsin:
Just wanted to say what a nice harness set up you made. You're very talented. DC wiring is not my strong point. Just about done. You made it easy.
Charlie Mullendore of Antietam Classic Cycle:
Should have bought your harnesses for this
shiny turdI'm working on right now instead of reusing the original harness. But the customer didn't want to spend the $$ on new, so he's paying me to patch up the old one. False economy...
A professional customer from Maryland:
Thanks! All of those little harnesses fit perfectly!
A customer from Michigan:
Thanks for being so fast with the harness.
A customer from Minnesota:
I cannot say enough for what you have supplied [it] is the nicest I have seen.
A customer from Virginia:
Just wanted to let you know that I finally got a chance to start rewiring the Eldo and your harnesses are excellent. I've printed out a diagram and some photos from your web site and stuck them on a wall in my shop for reference.
A customer from Canada:
Your wiring instructions are absolutely fantastic.
A customer from Ohio:
Thanks so much for supplying such a nice kit and helping me with the installation.
By the way, one of our CNC servicemen stopped by to check out the installation. He was hugely impressed with the quality of the components, especially the wiring and connectors. He commented:
I wish we had instructions this good when we have to install options on $250,000.00 machines...
A customer from Minnesota:
I simply want to say thanks for a great wiring harness, with your relay system and your suggestion of Scrambler cycles alternator conversion.
I no longer have bugs on my headlight, they get fried before they get there. Yep, I'm overstating that a bit!
This harness is so clean and well made! I cannot believe you can sell it for such a low price!
Thanks again for all the support during this project!
A customer from Wisconsin:
Thanks for the quick service and quality work. Looks original but much better!
A customer from Canada:
Received Harness today beautiful and great fast service
A customer from Canada:
...this is excellent work. Thank you very much again
A customer from Wisconsin:
Got the harness today. Looks great!!!! I can even bend it and it doesn't crack
A customer from Australia:
Nice work! You really take good care with terminals etc etc etc. May I say a wiring harness you can have confidence in ;-). Cheers!
A customer from Germany:
I have to say, you made an awesome job. Far better than I would have achieved it. Thanks a lot.
A customer from California:
I just received it. It looks great. I can't wait to install it. Thanks again.
A customer from Ohio:
No need to reple Greg but I finally felt well enough to open the package. BEAUTIFUL