Topica Loopframe_Guzzi Archive

Subject: RE: Loop Pics @ Yahoo

Author: Brian Murphy

Date: Jul 16, 2003, 12:06 PM

Post ID: 1713793484

Sorry about the wasted bandwidth on the past few posts, but for some
reason my computer has been deciding when I've said enough (I don't
know, maybe the computer's judgement is better than mine!).
Anyway, I haven't been around due to my going back and forth to
Canada (the frozen north) since last fall to help out my mother, who had
a stroke last fall.
I'm not sure about whether I'll make it to the rallies you mention.
Right now I am pecunarily challenged due to Keynseyan demand-side
economic policies generated to overcome the sluggishness of the economy
by manipulating M1, the money supply controlled by the Fed, and for this
reason, I have instituted a self-imposed austerity program (OK, I'll
fess up, I'm broke).
And BTW, anyone interested in improving the current economic climate
may bid on my R90S currently on E-Bay. Look for: 'Fully restored 1976
BMW R90S'.
'74 Eldo
'78 T3
'76 R90S (damn it, it's still there!) wrote:
Hi Brian,
Where ya' been, long time no hear from! Thought maybe I'd see you at the
VA Rally - coming to Vintage M/C Days @ Mid-Ohio or Guzzis In The Blue

The "I think" was because the digipic was kind of dark so I couldn't see
many details to be sure. Thanks for the comfirmation.

I haven't used the EPCOs yet, restoration of the '71 has stalled.
Everytime a little window opens where I think I can make some progress
on the bike, something happens to slam it shut. Looks like I'll have the
entire shop to myself for a while after late August so work may resume
then. Later,


Brian Murphy <> wrote:

 Hey Charlie,
I looked through your pics, and saw one that was listed as 'Brian
Murphy's Eldo - I think'. Geez, I thought the occasion (the '02 British
& European Bike show at Butler's Orchard in MD) was more memorable,
especially as I won 2nd place (behind a yellow '74 Ducati) in the
Italian classification. Anyway, I wanted to confirm that that was indeed

my bike.
On another subject, did you ever use those Epco slashcut mufflers
(of which one should belong to me)? The chrome is peeling off my 2 year
old Mac mufflers, and I wish I could have waited for the Epco's. Now
that I think of it, the chrome is peeling off only one side, which could

easily be replaced by a single Epco unit.
'74 Eldo
'78 T3
'76 R90S (soon to be on E-Bay - anyone interested?)

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Brian Murphy
'74 Eldorado
'78 T-3
'76 R90S

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