2008 April 25: - :
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Spent the last several days recovering the seat. Probably could have finished it in one day if I'd had enough clamps to hold the cover in place while the glue dried. The old cover was just too cracked and stiff for comfort, so the new cover was really a necessity. Removed the old cover and found the foam to be in excellent condition - it appears that a thin layer of new foam had already been applied over the old. While the cover was off, I wire brushed the the base and sprayed it with Dupli-Color Truck Bed Liner.

Photo courtesy of Charlie Mullendore of Antietam Classic Cycle.
The new cover from Harper's fit like a glove
, with plenty of extra material to fold over and attach to the base. Marvelous Marv
on the old Yahoo! Loopframe_Guzzi news group (which has now moved to Groups.io) recommended Pliobond brand cement and that proved to be the best I've ever used. Easy to apply, plenty of time to work with, dries quickly. The refurbished seat proved to be more comfortable on the trip down to the MD/DC MGNOC Spring Campout over the weekend and looks very nice. Success!

Photo courtesy of Charlie Mullendore of Antietam Classic Cycle.